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更新時(shí)間:2020-11-25      瀏覽次數(shù):4059


Please carefully read the following information before operation.

微型反應(yīng)釜適合少量樣品的反應(yīng),是昂貴或低產(chǎn)量原材料樣品測(cè)試的理想反應(yīng)裝置。廣泛用于催化反應(yīng),加氫反應(yīng) 與高分子合成等反應(yīng),涵蓋石油化工、化學(xué)、制藥、高分子合成,冶金等諸多領(lǐng)域。

 Micro reactor, suitable for the reaction of a small amount of samples, is a perfect reaction device to test expensive or low-yield material samples. It is widely used in catalytic reaction, hydrogenation reaction and polymer synthesis reaction in petrochemical, chemical, pharmaceutical, polymer synthesis and metallurgy industries.

適用于氣液兩相 液液兩相 放熱反應(yīng) 組成測(cè)試 穩(wěn)定性測(cè)試 腐蝕性測(cè)試 精細(xì)化工 超臨界反應(yīng) 催化劑評(píng)價(jià)等應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域。

It is applicable to gas-liquid/liquid-liquid reaction, exothermic reaction, composition test, stability test, corrosion test, fine chemistry, supercritical reaction and catalyst evaluation.


Main Features


The reactor body is made of high quality stainless steel 316L (Customizable for non-standard materials), and pressure display, explosion-proof membrane and inlet/outlet valves are provided with complete functions.

專門發(fā)的“微電腦處理器+三級(jí)PID”控制系統(tǒng),相校與傳統(tǒng)反應(yīng)釜控制方式,具有控更小的溫度超溫、更快的穩(wěn)定時(shí) 間、更好的控溫精度等優(yōu)點(diǎn)。

Compared with traditional reactor control mode, the "microcomputer processor + 3-stage PID" control system, which is independently developed, is featured by smaller over-temperature control, faster stable time and better temperature control accuracy.


Dual-loop control and accurate mixing speed: Speed loop and current loop are used for mixing, including speed/time setting, motor power setting and fault alarm functions.


The product has been tested by the third party agency and its anti-interference performance meets the electromagnetic compatibility requirements under industrial conditions.



Fire is strictly prohibited in the laboratory and fire-fighting equipment must be provided.


In case flammable and explosive gas is produced during the test, all electrical appliances in the laboratory must be explosion-proof. The test staff shall not wear leather shoes with nails in order to prevent sparks. Rubber or cloth shoes are recommended.


Please fully understand the obligations and responsibilities of users.

 4.任何使用高壓反應(yīng)釜的實(shí)驗(yàn)人員,需在仔細(xì)閱讀使用手冊(cè)后,方可允許上崗位操作,并在實(shí)驗(yàn)過(guò)程中,不得擅自離崗。應(yīng)嚴(yán)密監(jiān)視操作過(guò)程中的溫度和壓力變化,以便在發(fā)生超 溫或超壓情況之前,及時(shí)采取斷電和卸壓等應(yīng)急措施,防止事故發(fā)生。注意溫度在攝氏100度之內(nèi),容器內(nèi)的壓力接近 一個(gè)大氣壓,攝氏100以后開始?jí)毫ι仙^慢,但此時(shí)容器的壓力為溫度的3次方函數(shù),到攝氏200度以后,壓力上升會(huì)非???,若無(wú)人值守,極易造成事故。

Any test staff using high pressure reactor can only operate after reading this manual carefully and shall not leave without permission during the test. Closely monitor the temperature and pressure changes during the operation so as to prevent the accident by means of power cut and pressure relief in time before the occurrence of over temperature or overpressure.  Please note that if the temperature is within 100 , the pressure in the reactor is close to one atmospheric pressure. After  100  or above is reached, the pressure will rise slowly. The pressure in the reactor is a cubic function of the temperature. After it reaches 200  or above, the pressure will rise very quickly. If no one is available, it is very easy to cause the accident.

 5.若果用戶要在容器中加入有壓力的氣體,建議先加溫,后加壓。但氣壓源的壓力應(yīng)超過(guò)此時(shí)容器中的壓力,否則容器中的壓力會(huì)反沖向氣壓源,為避免反沖發(fā)生,建議充氣 管路中加一個(gè)單向閥,如果用戶要先加壓后加溫,則應(yīng)考慮到在加溫時(shí)這部分氣體的壓力會(huì)成倍上升,在攝氏300度時(shí)有可能上升10倍。再加上容器內(nèi)液體的飽和蒸汽壓,極易 造成容器超壓。此時(shí)若無(wú)人值守,極易造成超壓事故。

The user is willing to add pressurized gas into the reactor, it is recommended to raise the pressure after heating. However, the pressure of the air pressure source shall exceed the pressure in the reactor; otherwise the pressure in the reactor will recoil at the air pressure source. In order to avoid recoil, it is recommended to add a one-way valve in the supply line. If the user wants to heat up after pressurization, it shall be considered that the pressure of this part of gas will be multiplied during the heating, and it may rise 10 times at 300. In addition, the saturated vapor pressure in the reactor can easily cause overpressure. If no one is available at this time, it is easy to cause the overpressure accident.



Neither the max. working temperature nor the max. working pressure of the reactor shall not exceed the value specified in the contract. The user has the responsibility to carry out the research on the temperature, pressure, physical and chemical properties of the chemical reaction system so as to ensure that the selected reaction conditions are within the safe operating conditions of the purchased reactor


User shall select the correct working medium and the nature of chemical reaction during the test, make sure not to damage the equipment or cause personal injury. Yansheng is not responsible for that, because it does not know what test the user is going to do. If corrosive media are to be used, the user must provide corrosion-proof reactor. It is forbidden to use explosive medium or choose the chemical test with explosive reaction. Please note that in case of explosive reaction, the reactor will be damaged before the rupture disk bursts in time.

 8.請(qǐng)注意,允許的工作壓力應(yīng)低于70%的防爆片的爆破壓力,而不要大于或等于防爆片的爆破壓力。巖征是根據(jù)用戶要求的工作壓力選擇防爆片的爆破壓力的。當(dāng)容器壓力 超過(guò)用戶要求的工作壓力時(shí)防爆片就會(huì)破裂。

Please note that the maximum working pressure shall be less than 70% of the burst pressure of the rupture disk, not greater than or equal to the burst pressure of the rupture disk. Yanzheng selects the burst pressure according to the working pressure required by the user. When the pressure of the reactor exceeds such working pressure, the rupture disk will burst.


9. There are 18 chemical groups to cause the explosive reaction:


·氧化銨-Amine Qxide














·過(guò)氯酸鹽-Per chlorate




User must consider the following questions before using the high pressure reactor:


Is the chemical reaction you are doing in is exothermic? If a large amount of heat is generated during the reaction, the pressure in the reactor will be suddenly and violently increased to damage the reactor.


What by-products will be produced during the reaction? What are their characteristics (flammable, explosive, toxic, etc)?


What is the maximum temperature and pressure produced during the reaction?


Under what conditions (temperature, pressure or catalyst) will the chemical reaction be out of control?

對(duì)于具有高度活性的化合物,如乙炔-acetylene,丁二烯-butadiene,二氧雜環(huán)乙烷-dioxane,乙烯氧化物-ethylene oxide,氧氣-oxygen和其他一切強(qiáng)氧化劑,操作時(shí)必需特別小心。

Special care must be taken to deal with highly active compounds such as acetylene, butadiene, dioxane, ethylene oxide, oxygen and other strong oxidants.


Special care must be taken for any test that will suddenly release a large amount of heat and which may produce explosive by-products/final products.


If you use new or unclear materials for the test, it is recommended to conduct the preliminary test with a small amount of reagent to understand their properties and possible problems during the test.

 11.實(shí)驗(yàn)室必需通風(fēng)良好,反應(yīng)容器要放在實(shí)驗(yàn)室的排風(fēng)罩或排風(fēng)口附近。必要時(shí),尤其是有可燃或有毒氣體產(chǎn)生的可能時(shí),要增加裝置將排出的氣體導(dǎo)室外。必要時(shí)要使用 防護(hù)墻以保證試驗(yàn)的安全,此時(shí)注意到應(yīng)該使用鋼筋水泥做防護(hù)墻,不能用玻璃或鋼化玻璃做防護(hù)墻。

The laboratory must be well ventilated and the reactor shall be placed near the exhaust hood or air outlet. When necessary, especially when it is possible to produce flammable or toxic gas, more ventilation devices shall be provided to remove the gas outside. If necessary, the protective wall shall be used to ensure the safety of the test. Please note that reinforced cement, rather than glass or reinforced glass, shall be used for the protective wall.

 12.試驗(yàn)室請(qǐng)不要靠近容器的頂部,因?yàn)樵诜辣屏褧r(shí)會(huì)釋放出大量的過(guò)熱蒸汽,易燃或有毒氣體,產(chǎn)生巨大的噪聲,傷害人體和破壞聽覺。如有這種現(xiàn)象產(chǎn)生的可能時(shí),則 要用管子將防爆片的出口連到室外,并采取保護(hù)耳膜的措施。

The laboratory shall not be close to the top of the reactor, because a large amount of superheated steam, flammable or toxic gas will be released when the rupture disk bursts, which will also produce huge noise to harm human body and damage hearing. In that case, the outlet of the rupture disk shall be connected to the outdoor or take measures to protect the eardrum.


If flammable and explosive gas is produced during the test, explosion-proof measures must be taken for all electrical appliances. The explosion-proof main switch shall be placed outdoors.

 14.一般試驗(yàn)材料的裝載量不得超過(guò)容器體積的三分之二,因?yàn)橛行┙橘|(zhì)(譬如水)在高溫下體積會(huì)膨脹三倍以上,是壓力突然升高,超過(guò)允許的壓力極限。建議盡量用小的裝 載量進(jìn)行試驗(yàn)。

Generally, the amount of test materials shall not exceed 2/3 of the reactor volume, because some media (e.g. water) will expand more than three times at high temperature to suddenly raise the pressure and exceed the permitted pressure limit. It is recommended to carry out the test with a small amount.


It is recommended not to use the maximum working temperature/pressure for the test, because the temperature and pressure of the reactor will further increase to an unacceptable level due to chemical reaction.


Do not use sandpaper to polish or clean the reactor as it will reduce the pressure bearing capacity of the reactor.

 17.應(yīng)該均勻地,逐步地用規(guī)定的力矩?cái)Q緊容器的密封螺帽,使各個(gè)螺栓達(dá)到一樣的應(yīng)力狀態(tài)。不要一下子擰緊某些螺帽,然后再擰緊其他螺帽。這樣被先擰緊的螺栓中的應(yīng) 力會(huì)大大高于其他螺栓,是螺紋產(chǎn)生變形。螺帽不要擰得過(guò)緊或過(guò)松。過(guò)松會(huì)導(dǎo)致密封壓力不夠,產(chǎn)生漏氣。過(guò)緊會(huì)使螺栓過(guò)載,甚損壞。

It is necessary to tighten the sealing nuts of the reactor evenly and gradually with the specified torque, so that all bolts bear the same stress. Do not tighten some nuts at first and then others. In that case, the stress of the bolts tightened first will be much higher than that of others. It will cause deformation of the thread. Do not over tighten or loosen the nuts. Too loose will lead to insufficient sealing pressure and leakage while over tightening will overload or damage the bolts.


When new reactor is used, the distilled water (50%) can be heated to 150 to check the sealing of the reactor and the operation of each control system.


Check the washer before the test. Replace in time if it is damaged. If burr occurs, remove it gently with a knife.






催化反應(yīng)裝置 微型催化劑評(píng)價(jià)裝置 高通量催化劑評(píng)價(jià)裝置 加氫反應(yīng)裝置 固定床反應(yīng)裝置 微反裝置 多通道反應(yīng)器 高通量反應(yīng)器 多通道固定床反應(yīng)器 釜式反應(yīng)裝置 固定床反應(yīng)器 實(shí)驗(yàn)室裝置 實(shí)驗(yàn)室反應(yīng)釜 可視高壓反應(yīng)釜 全透明高壓反應(yīng)釜 藍(lán)寶石反應(yīng)釜 平行高壓反應(yīng)釜 多功能高壓反應(yīng)釜 均相反應(yīng)器 催化劑制備小試裝置 聚酯合成反應(yīng)裝置 酯化加氫反應(yīng)裝置 高低溫反應(yīng)釜 多通道反應(yīng)釜 多通道固定床 高低溫反應(yīng)裝置 小型高溫高壓反應(yīng)釜 微型固定床反應(yīng)器 單管固定床反應(yīng)器 光電催化反應(yīng)裝置 高壓全透明反應(yīng)釜 三元前驅(qū)體裝置 微型管式反應(yīng)器 二氧化碳超臨界反應(yīng)釜 中試高壓反應(yīng)釜 聚合反應(yīng)裝置 實(shí)驗(yàn)室反應(yīng)裝置 流動(dòng)化學(xué) 微型高壓反應(yīng)釜 高溫高壓動(dòng)態(tài)腐蝕系統(tǒng) 釜式聚酯合成反應(yīng)器 智能釜式酯化合成反應(yīng)器 二氧化碳超臨界光電反應(yīng)裝置 H型光電反應(yīng)釜 智能高壓反應(yīng)釜 防爆型反應(yīng)釜 隔爆型反應(yīng)釜 減壓蒸餾智能反應(yīng)釜 聚合智能反應(yīng)釜 光熱催化反應(yīng)裝置 低壓實(shí)驗(yàn)聚合反應(yīng)釜 連續(xù)聚合反應(yīng)釜 玻璃反應(yīng)釜 夾套可視反應(yīng)釜 光熱固定床連續(xù)反應(yīng)裝置 超聲波反應(yīng)釜 多功能高壓相平衡實(shí)驗(yàn)裝置 高壓球型反應(yīng)釜 PET聚酯小試聚合裝置 高分子聚合試驗(yàn)裝置 聚碳酸酯PC裝置 聚氨酯PUR裝置 催化劑評(píng)價(jià)回收裝置 乙烯超臨界全透明反應(yīng)裝置 智能釜式聚酯合成反應(yīng)器 絕熱反應(yīng)器裝置 聚碳酸酯多元醇高壓釜裝置 高溫高壓邏輯反應(yīng)釜 乳化攪拌反應(yīng)釜 聚醚反應(yīng)釜 平行高溫高壓反應(yīng)釜 流動(dòng)氫化儀 加氫反應(yīng)儀 高壓氫化儀 氫化儀 中壓加氫儀 光裂解裝置 高壓原位拉曼光譜動(dòng)態(tài)分析系統(tǒng) 高溫高壓原位拉曼反應(yīng)裝置 高壓光化學(xué)反應(yīng)釜 5L哈氏合金釜 烷氧基化小試裝置 聚酯反應(yīng)釜 丁二烯釜式反應(yīng)裝置 聚碳酸酯多元醇高壓釜 高通量釜式反應(yīng)系統(tǒng) 微型流動(dòng)合成儀 二氧化碳超臨界電解水煤漿制甲烷裝置 循環(huán)氣固定床實(shí)驗(yàn)裝置 玻璃釜式反應(yīng)系統(tǒng) 三元前驅(qū)體控制系統(tǒng) 同位素制備裝置 二氧化碳?xì)庖浩胶庋b置 濕式氧化小試裝置 0.5L加氫反應(yīng)裝置 聚合反應(yīng)實(shí)驗(yàn)裝置 聚酯反應(yīng)實(shí)驗(yàn)裝置 多功能聚合反應(yīng)裝置 攝像反應(yīng)釜 聚合物實(shí)驗(yàn)裝置 球型提純反應(yīng)裝置 三元鋰電 環(huán)保與清潔能源 精細(xì)化與醫(yī)藥 石油化工 天然氣化工 新材料








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